So B&Q have started selling windsave wind turbines on their website and in the their larger stores. They cost £1,500 which includes a survey and fitting. You can't buy for self install. Their claims about money saving seem quite high, I'm not convinced that everyone will see their money back before the end of the turbine's 10 year life.
However I think this is a great move, and I'm sure the price of turbines will drop, when some more competition move into the marketplace, so the payback period will improve in the future. I think the law also needs to change to relax planning permission, allowing turbines like these to be bought like any other appliance, with 'Do it Youself' fitting (something I'm sure B&Q would welcome!)
Personally I'd like to open a small wind farm with some much bigger turbines, but sadly I lack the space. Perhaps I'll put some in the local park instead. It's either that or a domestic nuclear power station.
Wind turbine on B&Q