I spent last week in meetings in Orlando, so Clare came along to catch some winter sun, revise and eat steak. We spent our first day in the Magic Kingdom, where it was drummed into us that if we believe, our dreams will come true. If my dreams came true, Earth would be invaded by giant warmongering robots from another planet, so let's hope there are some exceptions to Disney's claim.
On the last day we (along with my work colleagues) took our 3.5 litre monster SUV up to Daytona Beach, just in time to catch 'Bike Week'. This was an interesting assortment of large beardy men riding high-powered choppers and Harleys up and down 'Main Street' with scantily clad young women trying to sell them beer. Needless to say, fun was had by all.
Thanks goes to my parents for looking after young Morris for the week we were away. I think he misses his doting grandparents already.
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