04 August 2006

I need this car

Tesla Motors will soon be releasing their first car in partnership with Lotus. It goes from 0-60 in 4 seconds, reaches 130 mph and has 248 bhp. All this and it runs on batteries. One of these would seriously reduce my travelling costs (I spend around £75 a week on fuel) and would get me to work a lot quicker (well perhaps not legally). The problem is the estimated price tag of around $80,000. Never mind, perhaps I should search for a milk float on autotrader instead.


Anonymous said...

Awesome. Fantastic. Cool. Radical. I'm in. And given its features and novelty I'd say 80,000 is a steal.

Ann said...

Yes! Richorama is back! I've been waiting...

Unknown said...

150 miles a day - it's probably more that 75 quid these days.

I've changed my mind about the electric car though. I now want one of these:


8 wheel drive, 0-60 in 4 seconds, 230 (TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY) miles per hour, and it weighs in at a hefty 2.4 tonnes. It also looks like it belongs in the garage on Tracey Island.

Anonymous said...

If you had an Eliica then the first day you would get to work quickly.
The second day you would get to prison quickly.

Unknown said...

Yeah - sadly the police chase would only be around 100 miles long (26 minutes at full speed).