29 November 2006

Things to do before you're 30: Task 1 COMPLETE

In the middle of Tuesday night, under the cover of darkness, I ran all the way around Kenilworth castle in nothing but my pants (and a hat, and a pair of trainers - which I think is allowed as it's a harsh winter night). I decided to take Morris for support (he would be running virtually naked as well). I also thought that if anyone approached us we could both bark at them, which should keep any weirdos at bay.

Fortunately nobody saw me until right at the end, when I was stopped in my tracks by a pair of bright headlights beaming directly at me. I hurriedly got into the car, so Clare could drive us away at high speed (after she'd taken a few photos and laughed a lot).

So there you go, I am eagerly anticipating a nice cheesecake promised by Clare, and I'm already thinking about December's task: to make a short film with morris.


Unknown said...

Haha, nice one Richie! I can imagine the look on a random stranger's face if you and Morris ended up barking at them :)

Unknown said...

Well, it's nothing compared to the capers of a certain young mountain biker...

Ann said...

I am very impressed! Next time, though, why don't you put a cap on Morris....that matches yours, of course.

Anonymous said...

Richard, You are mad, but you are unique.

Love Mum and Dad.

Josh and Heather said...

Uh, maybe no pictures next time?

Just kidding, hot bod.

Unknown said...

errrr - I don't think there will be a 'next time'.

Anonymous said...

Outstanding, ha! Isn't married life supposed to draw all that sort of behaviour out of a man? If so, there's hope for me! :-D

Dan said...

Yes!! awesome, glad you did it buddy! Totally chuffed you decided to do my idea first.