12 November 2006

Things to do before you're 30

So today I am 29.5, which means there are exactly 6 months left before the world ends I turn 30. So to keep my mind from this tragedy, I am going to undertake some crazy challenges. If you have any ideas for what I should do before the 2nd half of my life starts, then comment below. I will take the 6 most interesting (amusing), and attempt to do one per month, documenting my progress on this blog.


Josh and Heather said...

Good for you Rich. We're impressed by your interest in contributing to society before you're 'ripe'. Here are some of our best suggestions:

1. Cut your hair short, dye it blue, shave an 'R' into the back.

2. Go hang out with the gang that messes with the bin across the street. Ask if they'll be your friend. Film the encounter with a hidden camera.

3. Make a relatively professional short film entitled "Morris: a day in the life".

4. Lead worship at church, just singing beside Val or Tina. No bass.

5. Swim across the lake in abbey fields for charity (your choice). Raise at least £100.

Anonymous said...

Ah man, I can't belive I am going to miss all this crazyness. Make sure there are lots of photos and Videos.

I have gone for some endurance suggestions including your favourite sports

Take part in the Mount Cameroon Race. Up and down in fours/five hours. It's only 3000 feet to the summit and 16 miles

Cycle Land End to John O'Groats

Do a sky dive whilst in Oz

Unknown said...

Well so far the winners are:

- Make a short film with Morris
- Running around Kenilworth castle
- Climb a mountain & go down a cave

Come on - there must be some more you guys can think of!

Anonymous said...

Go to the top of Sydney Harbour Bridge

Ann said...

Try a different hairstyle-- or color/colour-- every month! (Or maybe you already do that.) That way you can learn whether or not to let yourself gray naturally.

Unknown said...

Thanks for all of your contributions!

This month's challenge (November) is to run around the castle. I shall keep you posted. (Carefully censored) photographs will follow.


Anonymous said...

Olly's idea: run a marathon (cos he's doing one)

NCB said...

Give a speech at speaker's corner. Btw your bloggy thing doesn't seem to show the day people post on.