19 March 2007

Things to do before you're 30: Task 5

There's not been much blogging recently due to Clare being in Australia with the digital camera, and me being at home with two dogs (and not much to do).

However, the clock counting down the days 'til I'm 30 has not stopped ticking, and for March's task I have decided to run between Kenilworth Castle and Warwick Castle. I'm not a particularly athletic person, and I have never been all that good at running, so this is quite a tough challenge. The route is 5.4 miles long according to google, and I think I can do it in under an hour.

All I need is a pace car (well someone to take some photos and give me a lift back). Any volunteers? The day I run will depend on the weather (I don't like rain).

View the route


Anonymous said...

You know I'd be more than happy to be your pace car, buddy. I'll even open all the windows and cover the passenger seat with a plastic sheet so I can drive you back afterward!

Jake Stacey said...

Pace car volunteer here as well...

Ann said...

Wish I could ride in the pace car, looking out the window at the beautiful scenery, taking photos, & saying a few prayers for you, of course!

Unknown said...

I'm not sure it would be a sedate ride in Jake's pace car, he would get there in about approximately 5 minutes...