26 September 2006

An app a day

Some fella called Dana Hanna has decided to write an application (computer program) every day for 30 days. Ok - so they're not all that useful, in fact they're not useful at all, but I take my hat off to him - some of them are quite impressive.

You can view his blog here:


And download his applications here:


You can also 'chat' with him to influence his ideas - perhaps by the end of the experiment he will produce something useful.


easylec said...


Anonymous said...

You sure he's a fella, with a name like that?

Unknown said...

Heather, we all know that girls can't write computer programs. And I'm not sure what you're talking about John, you recently posted a blog with 10 photos of motorbikes, followed by 7 photos of boats!

easylec said...

Ok hands up .Must have accidently leaned on the wrong key.But easy on your sis.

easylec said...

Ok hands up ,must have accidently leaned on the wrong key but go easy on your sis.

Unknown said...

Well there are plenty of female jedis around, check this one out for example:


Unknown said...

In fact there are a whole load of them here.