Inspired by a series of
Dog Portraits by Thierry Poncelet I decided to paint morris dressed as a
18th Century admiral. The result is a 1m x 1m portrait painted with acrylics (and white emulsion) on canvas. I'm quite pleased with the result as it is the most ambitious painting I have attempted.
Can you spot the obvious mistake?
PS - happy new year.
Wow - you've got talent? Obvious mistake: his coat sleeve was tailored a little too long? Not really a mistake though, I think it's cuter that way.
I agree, I think it would look strange if either a paw or hand came out of his sleeve.
I love it, poor Morris he is not that fat though - he may get a complex!!
Very cool...Now Mr A,
why don't you try Admiral Mo??
(Not with a dog's face though!)
Ah Mo, I hadn't pictured you as a sea dog. Of course I'll paint you, but I'm not sure what the going rate is for a commissioned portrait, something like £5,000?
I love it. Morris looks so distinguished!
Finished the movie. Finished the painting. Things are really happening since you left us.
Err - bathroom?
Bathroom - Done.
(well almost - I need to install a mirror and heated towel rail, neither of which we have at the moment. There's also a bit of glossing and topping up of grout to do)
Love the painting. You have done well.
I wish you hadn't mentioned a heated towel rail. If my baby gets wind of it, we will have to put one in for him.
You know, Richard, I've been thinking...your talent would be in much demand if you took commissions. Who wouldn't want their dog(s) painted in such a masterly fashion?!
Hi Ann, I'd love paint some more, sadly I just don't get the time! Maybe when I have retired...
nice one rich, I didn't realise you were such a good artist...
If that is for real it's f*cking brilliant. You are a genius mate.
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