20 February 2007

Things to do before you're 30: Task 4

I have based the February task on one of Joe's ideas. The plan is to go to Jake's house warming party on Saturday wearing only clothes that I have purchased from charity shops using a very limited budget. So the question is: What should the budget be? Should the budget extend to cover shoes and underwear? Should I look for a particular theme of clothing? I'll be shopping on Saturday, so if you have some ideas, add a comment!


Hev said...

Second hand shoes - yes

Second hand pants - I would say oooh NO but as it is a before 30 task then it has to be oh yes

Budget - That is hard I have forgotten the price of things. Going by my current standards I think you could buy a whole outfit for 5000 cfa (about £5)

Unknown said...

5 pounds! we're talking Kenilworth charity shops here, it's got be double figures at least. Unless of course Jake is hosting a beach-wear party.

Ann said...

I think 5 pounds (I can't find a pound sign on my keyboard) is more than enough for a young, stylish guy like you. You have a lot of natural attributes that will offset the cheap clothes.

Unknown said...

Well if I add all your suggestions together, I get £15, which sounds like a much more reasonable amount.

Jake Stacey said...

You didn't look in the least bit pikey, and the smell was no worse than usual... ;-)