I don't normally do book reviews, partly because I'm a really slow reader, but this book surprised me so I thought I'd write something about it. I was expecting to read about the green monster complete with bolt through neck, brought to life with electricity. However, none of these elements exist in the original book. Instead it's a sad story describing how Victor Frankenstein becomes obsessed with a scientific experiment to create a life form. The result of which is a polite, well meaning and rather pleasant being with an unfortunate appearance, so disgusting that his creator abandons him without giving him a name. A series of rejections, and the refusal of Frankenstein to create a partner for the monster forces his creation to seek revenge, and to destroy Frankenstein's life. The story is really more about how the scientist attempts to make good his tragic experiment, rather than the trail of destruction left by the monster. At times the book's linear path begins to drag, but it was written by a 19 year old girl in 1818 so I guess I can forgive that!