There are now only 6 months left until Clare sits her final medical exams, so the long slog of revising started today with the creation of the 'revision plan'. This mass of paperwork has been stuck to the wall to assist in the planning of time, and to record the coverage of each topic. I'm not sure I quite understand it, but hopefully Clare will by the end of May.
Richard is doing his part by cooking and baking some delicious food. Sadly yesterday's apple pie was not a shining example - bit too much butter in the pastry :¬[

I'm sure that Rich's failed attempt at pie would look like Master Chef next to anything I could cook. Sigh - I do miss that curry.
And Clare - go go go! You'll pass with flying colours. I have NO doubt.
Cook, bake, whatever...
Josh, don't be so modest, your pizza is the best I have ever tasted!
Good luck Clare, all fingers and toes crossed for you!
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