This year we chose to re-live our youth, and go back to an area of France we've been to 3 times before, with the Holdsworths. This is always a dangerous thing to do, the world moves on, and the fond memories you had (of drinking giraffes of beer and eating takeaway pizza from a particular vendor) are not always fulfilled (or in this case dismally dashed) when you return years later. However, despite these setbacks we were somehow able to find ways of having fun with a pool, a load of sunshine, a couple of small people and a number local delicacies (beers).
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Is Elliot ever gorgeous! I think you should make more babies like that.
Was that the Puy de Dome? We were almost blown off that sucker once.
I don't suppose a trip to Ontario can quite compare, huh? Beautiful fall colours, apple picking, good company? Hmmm?
Miss you all!
It was La Rhune, and the train made the journey nice and easy. It did feel strange as we would usually be hiking it up there, instead with all the OAPs on the rails..
And as for the second point, we were discussing just that for our next summer's holiday - think you can find a slot in the schedule?
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